Pre-Workout Meal/Lunch - Healthy Life Style Tips


Hi there you guys, today I leave with the recipe of the yummy yummy healthy lunch I prepared for myself before hitting the gym later on.

Spinach and Chicken Salad with Pumpkin seeds and Scrambled Banana Eggs accompanied with Raw Avocado and Chia Seeds dressing.

This meal will give the necessary strenght you need when you go to the gym, also is very light and appropriated for people with anemia. 

I putted in a cup full of spinach, some grilled chicken pieces and a hand full of pumpkin seeds. The Spinach is full on Iron, which is perfect for my anemia, giving me the strength in order to do my workout routine.

For the Scrambled Banana Eggs I joined one Banana and one Egg in the blender with 2 spoons of oats and then putted the mixture in a pan and kept mixing until it reached a cooked consistency, then topped it with Chia Seeds

And finally, the avocado is all natural, sliced in the middle and also dressed with Chia Seeds

ANEMIA TIPS:  If you want to increase the value of Iron on the dish you can substitute the chicken for beef , and also drink some orange juice or some lemonade with the meal, making sure you don't consume any milk, or yogurt, or any food that contains too much calcium in it, in order to potentialize the Iron. Vitamin C is a very good potentializer of Iron, on another hand Calcium will neutralize it's strength.

Hope you guys, liked it. If you did then let me know on the comments and if you have any questions I'll be glad to answer them. I would also love to see some ideas and suggestions for the next posts. 

Beijos meaning Kisses
Joana Nunes


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